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Claire "This ones for mom" February 12, 2012
I have to write about this now because it just happened yesterday, and then today something related to it happened to Sheri. Okay, well you already know this Aaron because you were there with me yesterday making cupcakes, go figure, you come visit when i'm baking and decorating cupcakes, not a very manly or Aaron-like task, but nevertheless you were there and I'm glad you were, so you already know this but for everyone else who doesn't know I wanted to share an awesome experience I had yesterday with Aaron. I was making cupcakes and had a box prepared to bring to Sheri and stop by and say hi, but anyways we made chocolate, and vanilla. We had food dye but only pink, so all of the cupcakes either had brown, pink, or white colored frosting. So as I was frosting some cupcakes with white frosting,(in a plastic piping bag with a round tip) I closed my eyes and started thinking about/ talking to Aaron like I do from time to time,(he was on my mind all day more than usual as the next day, today was his birthday) I was telling him I missed him and wishing i could see him or hear his voice so badly, and as i squeezed some vanilla frosting onto the cupcake in front of me with my eyes closed i heard Aaron's voice clear as day like he was sitting right next to me, and I got chills and goose bumps all over my body, i knew he was right there with me, but what he said to me was even more amazing, He said "This one's for mom." I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that but when i opened my eyes i looked down and saw the frosting on the cupcake. It was blueish green. The same color as his mother Sheri's eyes. I immedietly frosted the next cupcake and it was pure white. We didn't even have blue or green food dye in our home. It was so good to hear his voice and i know he misses you so much Sheri. So today, his birthday, Literally minutes ago, Sheri called me and told me that she decided to take a picture of the cupcakes and the blue one that Aaron told me was for her came out white in the picture. So she took another one, and another one, some with it by itself, some with it along with the other cupcakes, and every picture the blue frosting on the cupcake turned out pure white. Oh one more awesome thing that happened. almost forgot. I had a pile of those candy hearts that come in those little boxes for valentines day and have little sayings on them like text me, kiss me, etc. anyways i picked one out of a plate of them without looking and put it on the cupcake and i looked down and it was green and said "I love you." now if that isn't amazing i don't know what is! Happy Birthday Aaron. I love You! and miss you so much, you've been on my mind all day    . Thank you for being there with me yesterday and for the dream last night! haha i woke up with a really big smile on my face this morning. Love you Air. Be with your mom and dad and brother today, I know they miss you like crazy as do so many people. Today was bittersweet, but I know your always with us. Miss you. please visit again soon. 
Claire Ashley Old Friend written on 2/6/2012 February 11, 2012

Claire Ashley

  • Hi Sheri, It was great to see you today, Sorry its been so long and I haven't seen you. i stopped by a few different times since we lost Aaron but you weren't home. Anyways Im glad we got in touch and that was so sweet of you to invite me in. i would love to come visit sometime and chat. I just had to get food home to my brother. I grew up in your neighborhood right by langenbeck sp? park on yacht lane, but now I live with my older brother in fountain valley. Before Aaron died I had just lost a very close friend and in the next few years following i lost three more friends, Two of them took their own lives, So I had alot of hard things to deal with. After Aaron and my other friends died I changed my life. Aaron's death effected me more than you know. I used to be very deppressed to the point of having suicidal thoughts, and after Aaron and then my friend Dani died i changed my life. Seeing how much all those events hurt so many people including me, but especially seeing how it effected you and the other parents of my friends i lost i had a completely new outlook on life. I couldn't imagine ever doing that to my family and loved ones and my entire life took a turn for the best. And I know that the loss of your son as well as my friends was absolutely catastrophic and completely devastating, but i wanted you to know that he truly saved my life. And that so many lives have been drastically changed because of what happened. I spend every day as if it is my last and I try to find joy in everything and to appreciate everything I have. I am so thankful for you and your family and I miss Aaron so much all the time, but i wanted you to know that something good came out of it as crazy at that sounds that something good could come from such a terrible thing. But for my Life, and my family, I thank you. Your family is in my prayers every single day. And I wanted you to know how much respect I have for you and how much I admire you. Losing a child has to be the absolute worst thing in the world I am sure, and you have been so strong and so kind to all of his friends its incredible, and because of losing the friends i did, your son being one that really hit me hard, and now because of all of that, I am a different person. I am so blessed despite all of the loved ones I have lost, and now the thought of taking my own life Never enters my mind, and now my mother and family will never have to go through what you did. And I don't mean any disrespect whatsoever so i hope you don't take it that way but I wanted you to know that I truly believe that God uses even the most horrible of events to bring some good in some way, and for me he did that, I would love to come over and talk and let you know what I'm up to these days but there's a little update about what i was doing for a while there. Like i said you and your family are always in my prayers and thoughts and It was great to see you today and I hope to see you again soon, all my love, Claire
Sheri Stratz
August 25th to August 31st, 2011
This one is for you Aaron.  My visit to Fox Island in the Puget Sound Washington State.  Last time I was there to stay was with Benji, you and your cousin Blake Griffith in July of 1998.  Aunt Vicki joined us for the last couple days and it was wonderful.  This years trip was a cousin get away.  My cousins, Michale Ann Kelly, Leslie Morgan, my sister Vicki Walker and myself.  It was a remembrance of the 4 of us growing up and each of our memories of Fox Island from childhood to adulthood.  You remember Air, the best times we had there.  I will post to an album the pictures to share with you all.  As my Aunt Mickey and Uncle Don allowed us to use the beach house, with many thanks and love we dedicated this Celtic story to them.  I also am dedicating it to you my son.

It brings joy.  It brings wonder.  People are drawn to it.

It is a wonderful place for solitude, as well as joy and connection, to all that is warm and right with the world.

It is a safe place where laughter and innocence are relived.There is a Celtic saying that heaven and earth are only 3 feet apart, but there are places known as THIN PLACES...

A Thin Place is where the veil that separates heaven and earth is lifted and one is able to glimpse the glory of God.
Experience his creation and bask in his beauty.

It is no wonder that Thin Places are most often associated with wild landscapes where we can step from one world to another. 

Rugged Seacoasts are often seen as a Thin Place.

John O'Donohue writes, "These sanctuaries anchor our longing in the ancient longing of nature."

Our dedication was this:   Aunt Mickie and Uncle Don, Mom and Dad, Thank you for sharing your Thin Place.
Lovingly, Michale and Leslie, Sheri and Vicki,
Your Little Women.....
Sheri Stratz Brian Birthday Card to you 2/12/2011
Brian Gianonne, best friend you ever had.  Here is the card he wrote to you on your birthday in February 2011.  Such a great friend.  See picture to see what he wrote.  Love you Boo.
Kimberlee Gonzales

 found this picture of you today.. it was my 14th birthday party and i can still remember how mad i was at you that day for showing up late. I can also remember how quickly i went from mad to so excited to see you. You hugged me as tight as you possibly could and said, "happy birthday lil kim". I loved our group of friends, sami, dj, madison, danielle, shayne, casey, sami, kasey, jared, christina, tracy, and how close we all were.. When i see them around now, in their new lives and what they have all become i always wonder what you would be doing too.. I wish we would have stayed close after freshman year. I regret not making a better effort, i regret not riding my bike to meet you in the park more, i regret not going to that party you invited me, which would have been the last time i had to spend with you..
I find myself thinking about you alot. I remember how much i loved you and how till this day I have always left a piece of my heart with you. Its true what they say, you never forget your first kiss.

Miss you,
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